Informatica e diritto, XIX Annata, Vol. II, 1993, n. 2, pp. 85-120

Mario Giaccio, Francesco Romeo

Simulation of Human Subjective Judgement with Neural Networks: The Computer Plays the Classifier, the Sommelier and the judge

Simulazione del giudizio umano soggettivo con le reti neurali: Il computer interpreta il classificatore, il sommelier ed il giudice
(relazione al Seminario "The Computer and Vagueness: Fuzzy Logic and Neural Nets" (Computer e vaghezza: logica fuzzy e reti neurali),

Sommario: 1. Introduction. 1.1. Subjective Judgement and the Law. 2.1. Neural Networks. 1.3. The Procedure Used. 2. Classification. 2.1. Foreword. 2.2. A New Classification Method: Pattern-Classification. 2.3. Example of Application: Mineral Water. 2.4. The Experimental Part. 2.5. Experimental Results. 2.6. Conclusion. 3. Qualification and Evaluation. 3.1. Foreword. 3.2. The Experimental Part. 3.3. Experimental Results. 3.4. Conclusion. 4. Judgement. 4.1. Foreword. 4.2. The Experimental Part. 4.3. Experimental Results. 4.4. Analysis of the Results. 4.5. Conclusion.

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